Pinterest è veramente la piattaforma più positiva che esiste?

Is Pinterest really the most positive platform that exists?

A few days ago, browsing through refresher courses, I found some courses on Pinterest . For those who don't know it or have only heard of it, Pinterest is a platform where you can mostly find inspiration.

Each of us can create a basic or business profile, depending on our needs. Inside there is always a feed but it is interactive: based on your preferences, images on a specific theme will open: for example, if I am looking for inspiration for the kitchen of my new home I will search for "kitchen inspiration" and all images will come up ( just like google but only for images without text).

We can save all these " PINs " in public or private folders, giving them a title, and then in turn inspiring other users. And so on in an infinite chain worldwide (especially Europe, America, Japan and Australia)*.

In this ideal cloud, as I like to call it, we can find many ideas for ourselves, for our work, for our home or simply to feel good.

Oh yes, to feel GOOD .

In fact, going deeper, the free course that Pinterest offers to its users or potential users is available online. First sentence of the course "Pinterest is a positive platform, it accompanies users without stress, it is active and not passive, it involves and wants you to see what you (and not other users) like".

It immediately seems to "touch it slowly" but it is a truly revolutionary or counter-current vision, see it as you prefer.

Sure, some of you will say, you've discovered hot water .

Actually yes, because I had not yet seen a precise written position taken. This got me thinking. I live and we live inundated with content every day (I have also had to produce it for myself and others for years) and I forget to see it in a detached way. My fault. I'm in it. So I immediately continued reading the course and…another reflection.

More and more companies are focusing heavily on this platform in their strategy and why? Because if we are in this cloud of positivity we feel good and we spend our money with more pleasure on something that seems beautiful in beauty and surrounded by beauty. We can even discover new brands, compare them, then go through them on the site. Do you ever see a really cool brand and immediately after hear the news of a tragedy? That advertising, for us users, will have been semi-failure. It leads us to quickly scroll down without reaching the mind, the desire.

While, on the "cloud" platform everything is positive : the sponsored contents are placed alongside the inspirational ones of other users and in such a natural way that they don't even seem like adv. The data shows that the purchase is not made on impulse, it is not made quickly among fast content. But it is done calmly, without stress (as the platform itself says) but, listen, spending 85%* more than users of other platforms.

A nice fact to reflect on.

Now, I'm not saying that we all have to move on this cloud but to never stop reflecting and comparing.

A world of active and thoughtful content moves around us, often passive users. We understand who we are and where we want to go, as people and with our profiles. The tools are there and let's remember that it's not all Instagram centric.

* Pinterest Academy

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